Lisa Jones
Counsellor: Brighton, Hove and Online
"There is a crack, a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen
Everyone needs support at some stage in their life. There may be specific issues or life events that challenge us or a more general sense of going in the wrong direction, being stuck, uncertain or unhappy. In an age of increasing busy-ness and pressure, it can be easy to experience that our sense of ourself is defined by forces or circumstances beyond our control.
For whatever reason you are looking at this today, speaking with a counsellor can open new perspectives, increase self-awareness and build a stronger identity where problems are faced and alternative strategies evolve. Exploring your concerns in a safe and confidential space may cast light on habits of thought, behaviour and feeling that have ceased to be useful; once we understand some of the patterns in which we get caught, we make more of a choice about how, or whether, we continue them. Together we can explore what’s going on for you, be curious about who you are and meet the challenges you are facing.
I work non-judgementally, compassionately and collaboratively. The most important aspect of my practice is you, as you are and as you would like to be. I believe everyone possesses potential for change and the strength to grow beyond adversity, in whatever form that takes.
As the songwriter, Leonard Cohen envisions in the lines above, there is hope and strength in facing what is difficult.